It’s my pleasure to send you the latest Columbus Strategy Report. Below are some of this month’s key highlights. You can download the report to find out more (including the monthly allocations) by clicking the button at the end of this message.
February Highlights
- Columbus is up 5% year to date, and up 17.4% since we started trading it in a live account in April 2017.
- Although we had a great run with commodities since DBC first showed up last October, Columbus is now paring back its exposure to that ETF. This has more to do with better opportunities found elsewhere such as in Japanese equities than about a negative statement on commodities. Remember that Columbus is designed to find the optimal asset mix and not simply offer buy/sell recommendations.
- Meanwhile, exposure to large cap US stocks has increased while the allocation to small-cap stocks is slightly reduced for the second month in a row.
- Exposure to Japanese equities is increased from last month.
- In summary, Columbus continues to be in a “risk-on” situation, with the bulk of its allocation to equity markets and commodities.
To learn more on how Columbus navigates this market, please download the report and read the discussion in section 6.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any feedback or suggestions. I’m always looking for ways to improve our service. Enjoy!
Best regards,
Jean-Marc and the Laplace Insights team